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Mr. Glastinne Celestin Youth Motivational Speak vists Bishop Anthony Webster At Agape Newlife Ministries Mr. Glastinne Celestin Youth Motivational Speak vists Bishop Anthony Webster At Agape Newlife Ministries

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Mr. Glastinne Celestin Youth Motivational Speak vists Bishop Anthony Webster At Agape Newlife Ministries

Posted on Fri, Nov 13, 2009

Youth Motivational Speaker visits Bishop Anthony Webster

Mr. Celestin a Youth Motivational Speaker visited Bishop Anthony Webster of Agape New Life Ministries in Springfield, Virginia.  This speaker is a "must hear"; and has a testimony that can make a difference in the lives of our youth.  He shares with his auidence ; how he was snatched out of the jaws of sure death and destruction and survived the gang life in the heart of Dade County, in Miami, Florida.  He came from the same neighborhood as that of the now famous Motivational Speaker, Les Brown.  Mr. Celestin points out to his auidence how the Mentorship Program saved his life.  You may contact him at [email protected] or call him at:  703-507-2650.
   Discussion: Mr. Glastinne Celestin Youth Motivational Speak vists Bishop Anthony Webster At Agape Newlife Ministries

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