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His Grace , Bishop Anthony attends the IHCOC Clergy Congress 2012, Charlotte, NC His Grace , Bishop Anthony attends the IHCOC Clergy Congress 2012, Charlotte, NC

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His Grace , Bishop Anthony attends the IHCOC Clergy Congress 2012, Charlotte, NC

Posted on Wed, Mar 28, 2012

On march 23, 24, 2012, the IHCOC held Clergy Congress in Charlotte, NC

IHCOC Clergy congress was held in Charlotte, NC. Bishop Anthony Webster attended all sessions. The theme was "Contending for the Faith" and the following topics were presented: Church History, Sola Scriptura & Apostolic Tradition, Women of the Ancient Faith, Apostolic Succession: Tradition of the Apostolic Fathers and the Holy Communion of Churches.

   Discussion: His Grace , Bishop Anthony attends the IHCOC Clergy Congress 2012, Charlotte, NC

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