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Bishop A.T. Lands Consecrated in Atlanta, Ga. Bishop A.T. Lands Consecrated in Atlanta, Ga.

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Bishop A.T. Lands Consecrated in Atlanta, Ga.

Posted on Sun, Mar 6, 2011

Bishop A. T. Lands was consecrated a Bishop by the Master's Circle Christian Fellowship and Family Life International Fellowship in Atlanta , Georgia on March 5, 2011.

Master's Circle Christian Fellowship International and Family Life International Fellowship Consecrated Bishop A. T. Lands and elevated his wife Rosemary to the position of Overseer. Our prayers are with them. The Chief Consecrator was Bishop Sterling Lands II and Co-Consecrators were Bishop Robert Wilson, Presiding Bishop of MCCFI and Bishop Anthony Webster, Vice Bishop and Chairman of the Board of Bishops for MCCFI.

   Discussion: Bishop A.T. Lands Consecrated in Atlanta, Ga.

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