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Home Going Celebration Metropolitan AOCC'S Sister Diane Johnson Home Going Celebration Metropolitan AOCC'S Sister Diane Johnson
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Home Going Celebration Metropolitan AOCC'S Sister Diane Johnson

Posted on Thu, Sep 9, 2021

Service: 9/15/2021 Home Going Celebration


Please be informed that the Metropolitan Archbishop Cyril Mark (Bailey) of the Ancient Orthodox Catholic Church (AOCC)'s sister;, Diane Johnson,  reposed in the Lord Sunday, 8/29/2021.  Please pray that her soul is gathered by the bosom of Abraham in the cloud of Witnesses and for the strength of the Church family.  She will be missed by all.  Diane Johnson was a "Reader" and member of the AOCC.

Into Your hands, O Lord, I commend the soul of Your departed servant Diane Johnson and pray to You to grant her rest, O  Lord, in the plae of Your rest, where all Your blessed Saints repose, where the light of Your countenance shine.  Grant that our lives may be godly, sober, and blamesless, that we may be worthy to meet them again in Your Heavenly Kingdom.  For You are the Resurrection and the Life and the Repose of Your departed servant Diane, O Christ our God, and unto You, we ascribe glory, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Below is the information for the Church  Service of Diane Johnson (Reader) a member of AOCC 10913 Superior Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44106  Email:  [email protected]

Service: Wake 10am, Home Going Celebration 10:30am

Please Send cards and remembrances to:

Mother Lettie M. Bailey 9281 Amesbury Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44106

The prayers for the family is most appreciative during this difficult time.

Apostolic Blessings


   Discussion: Home Going Celebration Metropolitan AOCC'S Sister Diane Johnson
Bishop Anthony Webster · 3 years, 5 months ago

Metropolitan, please know that our prayers are with you and the family.

Archbishop Elect Anthony Webster

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