The Lord's Churches Apostolic Ministries Meet at Progressive Baptist Church,Clinton, MD.

Posted on Sat, Nov 14, 2009:

TLCAM holds Annual Planning Meeting

Archbishop Grant B. Williams, Jr.,Ph.D. the founder and protector of TLCAM held their annual planning meeting at the Progressive College in Clinton, Maryland.  The group identified and defined the near term objective and prayerfully solicited support of the body  in filling some key operational positions.  The Archbishop emphasized the need  for commitment and clarity of goals.  Bishop Anthony Webster; the Chief of Staff explained the expectations and qualifications for each of the key positions.  The group agreed to initiate the planning process to journey to Liberia and Sierra Leone in December 2010. Elect Lady Alberta Williams, Mission's Coordinator  provided the group Mission Preparation information and essential "What to do and What not to Do's".


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