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St Agape Orthodox Church St Agape Orthodox Church

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   Discussion: Protection
Bishop Anthony Webster · 13 years, 11 months ago
God, through your divine power of your Spirit and Your Word, I pray for this neighborhood and the Lorraines House. Demolish the stronghold of evil within this community. Touch each heart with your peace and understanding. You know what each family needs . Help me and other Christians to be an encouragement to them. Be with me as I take a prayer walk around this neighborhood, lifting each family up to Your heavenly throne. In His Service, +Bishop Anthony Webster
Bishop Anthony Webster Back · 13 years, 11 months ago

> God, through your divine power of your Spirit and Your Word, I pray for
> this neighborhood and the Lorraines House. Demolish the stronghold of evil
> within this community. Touch each heart with your peace and understanding.
> You know what each family needs . Help me and other Christians to be
> an encouragement to them. Be with me as I take a prayer walk around this
> neighborhood, lifting each family up to Your heavenly throne. In His Service,
> +Bishop Anthony Webster

Bishop Anthony Webster · 13 years, 11 months ago
God, through your divine power of your Spirit and Your Word, I pray for this neighborhood and the Lorraines House. Demolish the stronghold of evil within this community. Touch each heart with your peace and understanding. You know what each family needs . Help me and other Christians to be an encouragement to them. Be with me as I take a prayer walk around this neighborhood, lifting each family up to Your heavenly thr

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