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Book Signing for Archbishop Grant B. Williams, Jr. Ph.D. Book Signing for Archbishop Grant B. Williams, Jr. Ph.D.

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Book Signing for Archbishop Grant B. Williams, Jr. Ph.D.

Posted on Wed, Oct 7, 2009

Archbishop Williams book entitled: Abraham's Other Sons has just been released. A must read.

We all enjoyed the lecture by the Author of "Abraham's Other Sons" at the Progressive Christian Academy, 5408 Brinkley Road, Camp Springs, MD.  Archbishop Williams was autographing his newly published book as purchases were made.  This is a "must read" for the upcoming Black History Month season.  Get your orders in early.  Contact  Archbishop Grant B. Williams,Jr. Ph.D. at : 301-343-3630.



   Discussion: Book Signing for Archbishop Grant B. Williams, Jr. Ph.D.
grant bishop williams jr (anon) · 15 years, 7 months ago
I wish to thank Bishop Anthony Webster and his family (both his wife as well as the Churches and Ministries he oversees) for their fine hospitality during all of my visits and most especially this one.
Bishop Webster, it is because of the Faithful like you that God has been able to use me in doing such things as writing this book, Abraham's Other Sons. Thank you for your encouragement - it is invaluable.
Also, thank all those with you and for all the great works you do both here and abroad.
And of course in all of it we Give God the Glory....for it is the great things that HE has done and is doing through us.
Your Brother Bishop - Grant B. Williams, Jr., PhD and
the Every Elect Lady Alberta Williams
Bishop Anthony Webster Back · 15 years, 7 months ago
Archbishop Grant B. Williams, Jr., and Elect Lady Alberta Williams:
Our churches pray much for God's continued blessings of the both of you.  Indeed you are an asset to Kingdom Building.  Continue to let God use you.  The story in this book must be told.  I am contacting all members of our parishes, family and seminary friends.  I truly believe that there is a deeper message in where you are going with this study.  God is ministering to YOU!!!!!!!  

"Keep praying for me and I will be praying for the two of you"

Yours In His Service
+Bishop Anthony Webster

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