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Peace at Lorraine's house (Jan 18, 2016)
Prayer Request:
Robert(nickname Turtle) is a meth addict who stays at my mom Lorraine's house.He brings other meth addicts to the house and spends many many hours watching TV in the front room of the house.The meth addicts Robert brings to Lorraine's house are people who got kicked out of their own houses(theft,Drugs),they are homeless so the want to hang out at Lorraine's house as long as possible.One of Robert's friends named Ed, roars loud ,talks loud at the T.V. and laughs like a hyena.. My mom is irritated with him but don't know how to get rid of him.Robert does have a place to stay at if he leaves my moms house.He would stay at his grandmas house who would not let him bring his meth friends to her house.Pray the moment Robert and Ed steps on Lorraine's property,Robert and Ed will feel the most unbearable torment and discomfort every moment they are on Lorraine's property ,and Pray the torment and discomfort feeling only goes away when they are off Lorraine's property .IN JESUS NAME
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost; Amen, Comfort, we beseech thee, most gracious God, this thy srvant, cast down and faint of heart admidst the sorrows and difficultieis of the world; and grant that , by the power of the Holy Spirit, she may be enagled to go upon her way rejoicing, and give the continual thanks for thy sustaining providence; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
+Bishop Anthony Webster
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